Resources for Authors by


Public Domain: The most common question I am asked is how to find & use public domain works. I have created this list for authors to help you answer that question.

Character Development: One aspect of character development challenge is researching occupations. This list is to help you learn about careers & how to use a character's job to enhance a storyline.

Crime Fiction: Crime fiction can be challenging with getting the information correct for a believable storyline. I made this list to help with your research on procedures, criminal terminology, and more.

Avoiding Plagiarism: The second most common question authors ask is how to avoid plagiarism. Here is a checklist to help.

What tips on researching do you need help with today? Click on this link to email me your suggestions for a checklist.

How Can I Help: What resources list do you need? Email me using the button below. I will get to work on creating that list for download here.

Learn More with Me: While you wait for the new lists, why don’t you join my online course waiting list. I will show you, in that course, how to research in four steps.

Need Advice on Writing, Publishing, Writing Support Groups, and the Writing Craft?

Visit the Squishpen Productions Author Resources.

I have compiled a large collection of recommendations from featured published authors from my podcast: Authors of the Pacific Northwest.